Events — Washington Prescribed Fire Council
7:00 PM19:00

Fire of Choice - How we can protect our forests and communities

Fire of Choice

How we can protect our forests and communities

March 25th 7-8:30 Pybus University

Spend the evening viewing the effects of wildfire through the lens of photographer John Marshall and the research of Paul Hessberg. Leave the event with a better understanding of the historical role of fire, its current effects, and how local efforts are being made to prepare for a more resilient landscape.

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9:00 AM09:00

Cascadia PBA Learn and Burn

Learn and Burn

April 5th 9am -5pm, Camp Camrec, Leavenworth WA.

This one-day family friendly event brings people of all skill and experience levels together to learn about prescribed fire. Participants will gain practical experience in fire planning, preparation, controlled burning techniques, as well as holding and mop-up procedures. A follow-up Live fire event is generally scheduled shortly after the learn and burn.


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to May 9

2025 Blackfoot TREX

  • Blackfoot Valley, MT (near Missoula, MT) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Applications Due February 7, 2025: Apply Here
The Blackfoot Prescribed Fire Training Exchange will be hosted outside Missoula, MT. Please see the application for Montana’s first ever TREX event in the Blackfoot Watershed. 
Link to application:

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to May 4

Wildland suppression tactics and prescribed fire implementation academy: Cle Elum Ridge

TNC and partners are hosting a 3-day wildland suppression tactics and prescribed fire implementation academy held on the Cle Elum Ridge. May 2nd-4th 2025.

The idea of the academy will focus on structured training both in wildland fire suppression and prescribed fire implementation and tactics. As prescribed fire is expanding across the state this will allow new and existing firefighters to understand the importance of both prescribed fire and wildland fire suppression to help achieve objectives safely and effectively.

Understanding the dynamics of wildfire suppression versus prescribed fire is extremely important as we continue to train and lead throughout our community and across the state. The academy will provide training opportunities throughout the organization i.e., FFT1, ENGB, CRWB, FIRB, FEMO, Holding Techniques, chainsaw operations, etc.

The location of the Academy will be on the Cle Elum Ridge where we will create an ICP and spike out on the Ridge to increase our training opportunities.

Training will include:

-Prescribed Fire Tactics and Implementation/Wildland Fire Suppression Tactics.

-RX unit preparation and tactics. Chainsaw operations and handline construction.

-Hose lay, Mark 3 operations (essentially S-211 training out in the field)

-Command Structure Wildland Fire/RX

-Spot fire protocol, size up, containment SOP’s

-FFT2 Field Day Operations standard agenda but focusing our training efforts to help candidates effectively understand the differences but the sameness of both wildfire suppression and prescribed fire tactics.

The hope is to have the window of opportunity to burn 10 acres (remaining from How Go Unit Fall 2024) which would be on the final day. If the window is unavailable, we hope to deliver valuable training by utilizing mock scenarios.


If you’re interested in assisting or attending, please reach out to Mark Charlton (

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to May 16

2025 Central Oregon TREX

Applications Due February 7, 2025: Apply Here
The objective of the two-week TREX program is to facilitate peer-to-peer, experiential learning for prescribed fire professionals and others interested in advancing their understanding of prescribed fire use to restore fire-adapted ecosystems. Participants will learn, practice, and share knowledge, skills, and experience in a unique, hands-on training environment focused on the ecological, social, communications, monitoring, and operational dimensions of planning and implementing ecologically based prescribed fire. The registration fee is $300, with a limited number of scholarships available. More info.

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to May 22

Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Course

Washington Department of Natural Resource’s 2025 Certified Prescribed Burn Manager course.

May 20-22, 2025 in Wenatchee, WA at Wenatchee Valley College – deadline to apply is  April 30th

 Plase fill out the application here:  Submit this form in order to enroll your nomination, each class will be limited to 25 students.

You can find the information and apply using the same form on the DNR website:

 The nomination form will have you provide a short description of your prescribed fire experience to aid in the selection process. No pre-requisites are required.

 This will be a 3-day in-person course and the cost will be $100.

The course will consist of:

  • Approximately 4 hours of Pre-work that will be sent out to students.

  • Two 8-hour classroom days covering Prescribed Burn content

  • A morning field event, followed by an afternoon exam

As a component of the certification process, a student with a passing grade on the exam will coordinate an evaluation burn.  The student will lead a prescribed burn while being evaluated by the Certified Burner Program Manager. If all areas of the evaluation are satisfactory the student will be recommended for certification.

 Food and Lodging will not be provided, please plan accordingly.

More course information will be sent out to selected students once the deadline has passed. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kyle Lapham – Certified Burner Program Manager and check the DNR’s website:

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to Oct 30

Washington Department of Natural Resource’s 2025 Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Course

Washington Department of Natural Resource’s 2025 Certified Prescribed Burn Manager course.

  • October 28-30, 2025 in Klickitat, WA at the Klickitat Community Center – deadline to apply is September 25th

Please fill out the application here:  Submit this form in order to enroll your nomination, each class will be limited to 25 students.

You can find the information and apply using the same form on the DNR website:


The nomination form will have you provide a short description of your prescribed fire experience to aid in the selection process. No pre-requisites are required.

 This will be a 3-day in-person course and the cost will be $100.

The course will consist of:

  • Approximately 4 hours of Pre-work that will be sent out to students.

  • Two 8-hour classroom days covering Prescribed Burn content

  • A morning field event, followed by an afternoon exam

As a component of the certification process, a student with a passing grade on the exam will coordinate an evaluation burn.  The student will lead a prescribed burn while being evaluated by the Certified Burner Program Manager. If all areas of the evaluation are satisfactory the student will be recommended for certification.

 Food and Lodging will not be provided, please plan accordingly.

More course information will be sent out to selected students once the deadline has passed. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kyle Lapham – Certified Burner Program Manager and check the DNR’s website:

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11:00 AM11:00

Webinar - SCIENCEx Fire: Fuels Management in Dry, Frequent Fire Conifer Forests

Webinar Link


The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated with the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and beyond. The SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions will provide big picture and synthetic looks at the current state of knowledge and management considerations for each topic. Each panel is comprised of expert practitioners and researchers from the Forest Service, universities, other land management organizations, industry and non-governmental organizations. Pre-registration is required, and each recorded session will be 90-minutes in length.


  • Mike Battaglia Research Forester, Rocky Mountain Research Station 

  • Derek Churchill Forest Health Scientist, Washington State Department of Natural Resources 

  • Paula Fornwalt Research Ecologist, Rocky Mountain Research Station 

  • Eric Knapp Research Ecologist, Pacific Southwest Research Station 

  • Sean Jeronimo Principal Ecologist, Resilient Forestry Wade Tinkham Research Forester, Rocky Mountain Research Station

  • Wade Tinkham

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12:00 PM12:00

Webinar: Aligning Land Management & Public Health Goals Related to Rx Fire

You’re invited to this virtual webinar on Monday, January 13, 2025, from 12-1:30 p.m. Pacific Time to learn about ongoing efforts focused on aligning land management and public health goals related to prescribed fire. Partners in California, Oregon, and Georgia organized locally to increase dialogue and work to improve smoke communication surrounding prescribed fire.

The purpose of the prescribed fire exercises was to discuss existing burn plans, policies, and procedures to identify potential pathways to increased burning while also protecting public health from smoke. These exercises also facilitated mutual understanding and relationship building between the participants. They improved broader understanding of relevant regulations, terminology, and plans, while the subsequent discussions helped to identify strengths and areas of improvement for coordination within and across organizations and agencies. In this webinar, participants from each location will share about the goals, considerations, actions, and lessons learned to help future communities to include public health considerations into their prescribed fire efforts.

Register here to join the FREE webinar.

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8:30 AM08:30

Webinar: Social Science of Prescribed Fire

Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Series

Social Science of Prescribed Fire

Jan. 8, 2025 | 10:30 A.M.-Noon CT

Join us as we delve into the human dimensions surrounding the practice of prescribed burning. Our presenters will explore topics like community engagement, stakeholder perceptions, social impacts of fire management practices, land ownership dynamics, policy considerations, and the communication strategies necessary to effectively implement prescribed fire programs across different social contexts.


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2:30 PM14:30

WPFC Quarterly SC Meeting and Annual AAR

The Washington Prescribed Fire Council’s Quarterly Steering Committee Meeting will be combined with the inaugural Annual After-Action Review (AAR) that was proposed at the last SC meeting. This event will bring together practitioners, partners, and stakeholders to reflect on lessons learned, share experiences, and identify opportunities to improve future prescribed fire efforts across the state.

A hybrid meeting link and agenda will be sent out before the meeting.


If you plan to attend, please accept the calendar invite or fill out this short RSVP form. Please feel free to forward the invitation on to others that may be interested in engaging in the annual AAR.

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9:00 AM09:00

Cascadia PBA Biochar and Pile Workshop

Join the Cascadia Prescribed Burn Association at the Wenatchee River Institute in Leavenworth to learn how to turn branches and wood from creating defensible space or pruning into a valuable soil amendment - while sequestering carbon and limiting smoke in the air - with a simple, fire-pit sized kiln! We will also have a larger kiln (appropriate for larger properties outside the Leavenworth Urban Growth Area) available for viewing.

Learn more and Register HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Cascadia PBA Biochar and Pile Workshop

Join the Cascadia Prescribed Burn Association at the Wenatchee River Institute in Leavenworth to learn how to turn branches and wood from creating defensible space or pruning into a valuable soil amendment - while sequestering carbon and limiting smoke in the air - with a simple, fire-pit sized kiln! We will also have a larger kiln (appropriate for larger properties outside the Leavenworth Urban Growth Area) available for viewing.

Learn more and Register HERE

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8:00 AM08:00

North Cascades PBA Learn & Burn

North Cascades Prescribed Burn Association Learn & Burn
October 19th, Smith Creek: Methow, WA

All day event for community members interested in learning more about Prescribed Fire and for prescribed fire practitioners to gather in support of the PBA.  Training will include setting up and charging hoses, handline and mop-up.  For more information and to register, email

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to Oct 11

Selkirk Trex

  • Google Calendar ICS

Selkirk TREX is a two-week training facilitating learning and skills building for anyone interested in prescribed fire and ecological burning. Located in northeast Washington, Participants will engage in hands-on training and learning in the ecology and history of fire-adapted ecosystems, prescribed fire operations, monitoring, and more.


TREX is open to all who are interested in getting experience, working on qualifications, and building techniques in prescribed fire. NWCG minimum qualifications as a Firefighter 2 will be required. Online and field training may be available to attain these minimum standards. Contact us for more details. Position taskbook training opportunities will be available.

You can find more information and how to apply in the Selkirk TREX Announcement here.

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to Sep 19

Washington DNR Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Course

This will be a 3-day in-person course. The cost will be $100. Food and Lodging will not be provided, please plan accordingly. Please email Kyle Lapham; in order to enroll your nomination, the class will be limited to 25 students. The deadline for nominations is March 26th, 2024 for the April course and August 2nd for the September course. Please provide a short description of your prescribed fire experience to aid in the selection process. No pre-requisites are required. For more information visit

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7:00 PM19:00

Wenatchee Museum Film and Speaker Series: The West is Burning

The Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center is partnering alongside the U.S. Forest Service to host a screening of The West is Burning on Thursday, Sep. 12, 7-9 PM. 

The West is Burning raises awareness about the conditions of forests in the western U.S. Told through a full-feature documentary, we examine the history of forest management and litigation that led to the current conditions causing catastrophic fires year-round.  More info can be found HERE.

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to Aug 22

Northeast - Midwest Regional Prescribed Fire Science and Management Workshop

A workshop for all wildland fire management partners across the 20 state NE-MW region to share region-wide, science-based, fire ecology information oriented toward expanding and maintaining the use of prescribed fire across all landscapes, jurisdictions, and fire-dependent ecosystems. Learn more here

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5:30 PM17:30

Chumstick Wildfire and Stewardship Town Hall Event

Keynote speaker Sean Norman, a seasoned veteran in wildfire management and response. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Sean Norman’s wealth of experience and his pivotal role in managing some of the most significant wildfire incidents on the west coast including the Paradise CA tragedy. More info here. 

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6:00 PM18:00

North Cascades PBA Info Session

  • Methow Valley Community Center Gym (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn about the North Cascades Prescribed Burn Association (NCPBA) that is forming! NCPBA is building a community of engaged landowners, Valley residents, farmers and ranchers, organizations and agencies interested in prescribed burning on private lands.

NCPBA aims to expand the use of prescribed fire through community connection and partnerships, shared resources, and access to hands-on training for safe and effective burning.

This meeting will:

  • Highlight the potential benefits of the PBA

  • Explore community needs and concerns about prescribed fire and wildfire mitigation

  • Answer general PBA questions

  • Brainstorm NCPBA’s development moving forward

WHERE: Methow Valley Community Center Gym (201 State Route 20, Twisp WA)

Pizza will be served!

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