TNC and partners are hosting a 3-day wildland suppression tactics and prescribed fire implementation academy held on the Cle Elum Ridge. May 2nd-4th 2025.
The idea of the academy will focus on structured training both in wildland fire suppression and prescribed fire implementation and tactics. As prescribed fire is expanding across the state this will allow new and existing firefighters to understand the importance of both prescribed fire and wildland fire suppression to help achieve objectives safely and effectively.
Understanding the dynamics of wildfire suppression versus prescribed fire is extremely important as we continue to train and lead throughout our community and across the state. The academy will provide training opportunities throughout the organization i.e., FFT1, ENGB, CRWB, FIRB, FEMO, Holding Techniques, chainsaw operations, etc.
The location of the Academy will be on the Cle Elum Ridge where we will create an ICP and spike out on the Ridge to increase our training opportunities.
Training will include:
-Prescribed Fire Tactics and Implementation/Wildland Fire Suppression Tactics.
-RX unit preparation and tactics. Chainsaw operations and handline construction.
-Hose lay, Mark 3 operations (essentially S-211 training out in the field)
-Command Structure Wildland Fire/RX
-Spot fire protocol, size up, containment SOP’s
-FFT2 Field Day Operations standard agenda but focusing our training efforts to help candidates effectively understand the differences but the sameness of both wildfire suppression and prescribed fire tactics.
The hope is to have the window of opportunity to burn 10 acres (remaining from How Go Unit Fall 2024) which would be on the final day. If the window is unavailable, we hope to deliver valuable training by utilizing mock scenarios.
If you’re interested in assisting or attending, please reach out to Mark Charlton (