About the Council — Washington Prescribed Fire Council

Our Leadership

Washington Prescribed Fire Council

Prescribed fire councils generally maintain diverse membership, representing the various groups that use, research, and regulate prescribed fire activity. In Washington, these groups include state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, private industry, tribes, universities, and more. The Council now boasts representatives from over 50 organizations and agencies. We are led by elected officials and a voluntary steering committee.

Lucas King, Executive Committee Member
Mt. Adams Resource Stewards

Jeff Dimke, Executive Committee Member
WA Department of Natural Resources

Sami Schinnell, Co-Chair
Ecological Fire Solutions LLC

Fiona Edwards, Vice-Chair
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

Kate Williams, Board of Directors
WA Department of Natural Resources

Chris Martin, Board of Directors
City of Roslyn Fire Department


When Dale Swedberg took over the management of over 20,000 acres of fire-dependent wildlife habitat in north central Washington, he realized that his success as a land manager would rely on the reintroduction of fire to the ecosystem.

Yet he also knew that the reintroduction of fire would be an onerous process, one that would require careful planning, collaboration, and the support of regulatory agencies. In 2004, Dale discovered prescribed fire councils, which were becoming well-established in the southeastern United States at the time, and he decided that a prescribed fire council could be just what he needed to get prescribed fire on the ground in North Central Washington (NCW). Dale spearheaded the North Central Washington Prescribed Council; he hosted meetings, and brought representatives from councils in Florida to share their knowledge and experience with the NCW prescribed fire community.

Increasing interest in and need for prescribed fire across the state inspired Dale and others to propose the formation of a statewide council in 2011. The premise behind the statewide council is that although the challenges to prescribed burning may vary across different regions of the state, there is power in collaboration. The statewide council is able to address larger issues than regional councils, and is positioned to more fruitfully engage with national efforts, like those initiated by the Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils.  

Strategic Plan

Annual Conferences

The annual Washington Prescribed Fire Council conferences convene stakeholders from around Washington state and the Pacific Northwest to learn about prescribed fire in Washington, create and renew relationships, and work towards ways to expand the safe and effective use of prescribed fire. These conferences are important for reviewing the past year’s fire season and looking toward the coming season, while engaging training, policy, and outreach opportunities.